Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy One Month, Ira!

Happy one month, Ira!

One month stats:
Weight: 10 pounds, 1 ounce (50th percentile)
Height: 23 inches (95th percentile)
Clothing Size: 0-3 months, though some 6 month outfits fit you too.  None of your newborn clothes fit at all!

One month milestones:
March 2 - First pediatrician appointment with Dr. Chan, where you weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces.  Also saw your first few snowflakes!

March 3 - First walk up and down the Alley in your Moby wrap (you slept the whole time).

March 6 - Had a lactation appointment and you weighed 8 pounds, 3.25 ounces!  You ran your first errands with me and Mimi, to the bank and the cloth store.  It was your daddy's first day back to work and we visited him at the fire department!

March 8 - We took newborn pictures of you at home!

March 13 - You had your two week pediatrician appointment and you weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and were 22 1/4 inches long.

March 16 - You took your first stroller walk around the neighborhood (but you slept the whole time!)

March 20 - You had a cardiology appointment to check on the heart murmur they found when you were born.  Dr. Hurlong said we had nothing to worry about, and that you are perfectly healthy.  We took you to your first restaurant dinner at Bonfire with Mimi and Poppa to celebrate!

March 21 - You went to Pancake Day at the Boys and Girls Club and you were customer #2600!

March 26 - We ran errands all by ourselves for the very first time.  I almost had a heart attack, but it worked out fine!

You love to take baths, and didn't even really seem to mind the chilly sponge baths we had to give you while you still had your umbilical cord stump.  You especially love to have your hair washed!  Now we give you baths in the big kitchen sink.  We started with a plastic bath seat and have just moved on to the Blooming Bath that Mimi got you, which you really seem to like.  Sometimes, you get so relaxed in the bathtub, we think you're going to fall asleep!  

You usually eat every 2 to 3 hours, even at night.  Sometimes, you let me sleep from midnight to 4am or so, and once you even gave me 5 hours!  That definitely is not the norm though - usually your longest stretch of sleep at night is about 3 1/2 hours.  After that, we are usually up every two hours or so.  Right now, you sleep in your Rock 'n Play next to our bed.  You've never slept a wink in your crib!  You tend to turn your nose up at things most babies seem to like, such as your bouncy seat.  I have now nearly broken two toes on it, so maybe you sense my hostility toward it, but at any rate, you start wailing to see a manager as soon as I put you in it.  Until the last week, you haven't really tolerated your swing either.  Now that you've discovered that it has a mirror where you can look up at yourself, you seem to like it a tad more. I still can't put you in it for more than ten minutes without hearing a lot of loud complaining though!

You love to sleep in the car and the Moby.  I wear you all the time, because we both like it.  We started out wearing the Moby, but it's a pain in the butt to tie it, especially when we're out and about.  We mainly use that for when I'm trying to tackle the to-do list at home.  I can't bear to leave you in your Rock 'n Play while I run around the house - I much prefer to have you with me.  Mimi made us a ring sling and I finally figured out how to use it a few weeks ago, and now it's our favorite when we are out running errands.  It's easy to get you in and out, or change your position for nursing and use the tail as a cover.  We are getting good at that, and we have nursed while walking around Harris Teeter and Lowe's now!

I love to read you stories, especially with your Hallmark story buddies (Watson is our particular favorite so far).  You also like to watch Baby Einstein videos on the iPad with us - when you listen to the music and watch the images, you start panting and waving your arms, and your eyes get so big!  You also like to look at pictures with lots of circles and bright colors, either ones that Mimi drew for you or things I look up on the iPad to show you.  You have started noticing Peggy Sue and Brenda Lee and you smiled at Peggy Sue yesterday!  You love to hear anyone sing, even my terrible self, and we make up songs to sing to you all the time.

Everyone told me it would fly by and I didn't know what they meant, but now I do.  It feels like we were in the hospital having you about ten minutes ago.  I can't believe you're a whole month now.  

We love you so much, sweet buddy!

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