Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wine & Love!

I'm linking up with Nora again this week for her weekly installment of Wine and Love.  Go link up and tell us what's got you reaching into the wine fridge and what you're in love with this week.

First of all, what's got me wanting to reach for an extra large bottle of muscadine wine (loving that stuff so much lately): 

*Graduation, graduation, graduation.  "Have you picked up your robes yet?  Well, why not?  OH MY GOD, there are only TWO days left, what if something is wrong with them? What if they don't have them?  OMG."  Also, some lady at the law school has been pestering everyone for pictures for a photo slideshow and "stories of relatives that travelled a long way to get here or why your graduation is so significant for your family."  That's indicating to me that this is going to be a RULL LONG event.  Maybe there's a place for a wine water bottle amongst those giant robes...

*Really, that is the only thing on my wine radar right now.  Not too shabby this week.  Normally I can find a whole myriad of other things to complain about!  Probably it's just due to all of my bad attitude being consumed in an anti-graduation fog, I'll have a longer list next week, bahaha.

And now, what's got me wanting to do cartwheels and clap my hands excitedly like a seal this week:

*Y'all.  The wedding is LESS than four months away.  I'm so, so excited about that fact!

*Planning a bachelorette beach weekend with all of my best girlfriends.  It's going to be so much fun and I'm SO going to need a beach trip come August.

*Finally having a chance to lay out at the lake and get some real sun - I hate it when I'm pasty, I'm not one of those people who can pull off white skin.  I don't look delicate and Snow White-ish, I just look ill.  So yay for correcting that!

*Weenie hammock time.

*Pegs and PB love each other.  I think PB might be a little obsessed.

*I decided I deserved a present for finishing all of my exams, so that meant Target dresses!

*And speaking of Target - got these fabulous shoes too!  They make maxi dresses just about the perfect length and they are so comfy!

*This delicious recipe that Rachel inspired me to make with one of her menu Monday posts and BOY was it delicious.  Thank goodness there are leftovers!

*Dropping a whole egg on the floor when I was making scrambled eggs for breakfast would have made it onto the wine list, but when you have a weenie dog hanging around for easy clean-up, it goes on the love list!

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