Sunday, October 19, 2014

19 Weeks!

The only photo I have at all from this time range is from wacky tacky day for spirit week.  So here you go, folks! 

What Fruit are you? 17 weeks was an onion, 18 was a sweet potato, and now baby is the size of a mango!
Due date:  March 10, 2015 
How far along: 19 Weeks + 1 day
Gender:  Well, we found out...and it's a.....wait for it....all the way at the bottom.....
Total weight gain/loss:  My scale is broken.  Probably due to my chunky thighs.  I have no desire to fix it.  So I have no idea. I don't wish to know.
Stretch marks: Nope but slathering up the belly in Palmer's, coconut oil, or whatever I can get my hands on.
Swelling: Wedding rings have gotten uber tight.
Maternity clothes: Loving maternity clothes, hating that we are still having 80 degree days in October because I'm burning up.
Belly button: Out! But there's still enough skin at the top part that you can't totally see it through my shirt yet.
Sleep: Trying to drink more water during the day so I'm not thirsty at 9pm, which means I drink 12 liters of water and then get up to go to the bathroom 17 times at night. If I succeed at that, I'm ok!
Food cravings:  Well, we have been planning a trip to the Renaissance Festival and went today, so that's had me with bread bowls on my mind.  I finally got my broccoli cheese bread bowl today!
Symptoms:  Both the headaches and the sciatica have subsided and the heartburn is minimal.  I just have lots of pressure if I stand up too long, like so much pressure I think I might need to check to make sure I don't have feet hanging out or something.  But overall I'm feeling great!
Movement: I feel very occasional flutters and flips, but maybe not even every day.  I have to lie down and be quiet or I usually don't feel much of anything.
What I miss:  Some muscadine wine would be lovely.
What I’m loving:  We put out the Halloween decorations yesterday and I'm so excited! My favorite holiday is on the way!!
What I’m looking forward to: Halloween...Ira is big enough to really "get it" more this year and I'm so excited for him.
Best moment this week: Things are still in a rough patch with Nana's health even though she's been home, and this week has been insanely busy with school stuff, taking Ira to the babysitter, and just trying to survive. BUT last week we did find out what this baby is!  Which was by far the best moment because I desperately needed to know.
So, now for the part you've all been waiting for...
It's a girl!!!!

All of the old wives' tales (for the most part) said boy, and I really have been feeling pretty much the same this pregnancy as last time.  Turns out that's just how I feel when pregnant with any baby, apparently, penis or no penis!

I almost fell over when we shot pink confetti out of that darn cannon, I had been so convinced it was another boy.  It definitely took me a full 48 hours or so for it to even sink in and to be honest sometimes it still hasn't.  I'm so excited but then part of me is a bit more anxious than I think I would have been if it was another boy because I would have felt like I already had all of this down pat.  But also? I love pink clothes.